10 Key Findings After Living In Southern California - ForumDaily
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10 Key Findings You Can Draw After Living In Southern California

Moving to Southern California may be one of the best decisions you've ever made. If you really share the lifestyle of the locals, you can freely add some of their habits from your schedule.

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1. Expect that you will need more time to get anywhere in the state.

No matter where you travel to SoCal, you should consider that the trip will take much longer than expected. Whether it’s construction, a highway accident or a traffic jam in the morning, there is always a lot of traffic.

2. Enjoy Tacos on Tuesdays

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SoCal is famous for some of the best Mexican food. The best time to enjoy Mexican food is to eat tacos on Tuesday. On this day, in many restaurants you will find different types of tacos.

3. Visit one of the small towns in SoCal

Photo: flickr / don graham

Southern California isn't all sandy beaches and palm trees. There are also delightful small towns that will remind you of the good old days. Take a scenic drive to one of SoCal's many small towns that offer plenty of peace and quiet.

4. Visit Southern California's most beautiful city park.

Photo: flickr /kevin baird

Take a walk through Balbo Park and you will see heaven on earth. From museums to theaters and even a stunning botanical garden, this is a place that everyone in the state should visit at least once.

5. Stock up on slippers.

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If you live in Southern California, then slippers become an integral part of your daily life. They are carried around the house, put on at the grocery store and even during a night walk in the city they are also not removed.

6. Enjoy your meal outdoors.

Photo: facebook /mt. ada

When you live in a place like SoCal, outdoor dining is a privilege that can be enjoyed year-round. Head to your favorite restaurant or picnic and enjoy a meal under the bright blue SoCal sky.

7. Apply sunscreen.

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Most locals spend a lot of time outdoors. If you are going to work, taking a walk along the beach, or simply playing outdoors in a local park, you should always apply a sufficient amount of sunscreen before leaving the house.

8. Visit one of SoCal National Parks.

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No matter what part of Southern California you live in, you can find the National Park nearby. From hiking, camping, and even star-watching, SoCal delights with its many magnificent National Parks.

9. Take a walk on the pier

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Choose a pier, any pier, and you can experience the lifestyle of SoCal. It doesn't matter if you spend the whole day along one pier or turn it into an adventure weekend trip, a walk along the SoCal pier should be part of life at SoCal.

10. Spend a day at the beach

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There's nothing better than spending a day at the beach. Whether you love splashing around in the ocean or just laying on a lounge chair enjoying a good book, spending a day at the beach is one of the most relaxing things you can do.

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