Winter vacation: where to spend an inexpensive vacation in the USA - ForumDaily
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Winter vacation: where to spend an inexpensive vacation in the USA

Now is the time to plan your winter vacation. Whether you're dreaming of heading south to the sunny shores or looking to go skiing on the slopes this ski season, the vacation is likely to be expensive. Choosing the perfect destination can save you money on your next vacation. Edition Travel and Leisure has compiled a list of 10 places for a great and inexpensive vacation. Fortunately, many of these locations are close to major airports, so you can look for a bargain flight to save even more.

Photo: Shutterstock

Breckenridge (Colorado)

Colorado is home to some of the best ski resorts in the country, but travelers on a budget should stop by Breckenridge. This charming town has everything you need for the perfect ski holiday: you can ski 187 runs on five peaks, explore the historic city center and even ride the Gold Runner alpine coaster, and relax at the Gravity Haus, a trendy hotel with direct access to the slopes. or The Lodge at Breckenridge. This is a 45 room hotel with magnificent mountain views.

Park City (Utah)

Park City is another favorite winter destination in the United States. Here everyone will find something interesting for themselves. There are more than 330 trails for skiers, and between skis you can visit a variety of shops and restaurants.

Jackson Hole (Wyoming)

Great skiing awaits you in an incredibly picturesque part of the country. Of course, you can ski on the slopes throughout your vacation enjoying the fresh snow and breathtaking landscape, but outside the mountains there is something to do. Watch wildlife in the nearby Elk National Reserve (thousands of elk wintering here) or visit Grand Teton National Park. Jackson Hole is just 90 miles (144 km) from the South Entrance of Yellowstone, making it the perfect mix of winter sports and outdoor activities.

Miami (Florida)

If you prefer to head south for more comfortable temperatures and sunny skies, Miami might be the perfect destination for that. There is a lot to do here, from walking the world famous South Beach to visiting the galleries and nearby Everglades National Park or Biscayne Park.

San Diego, California

Even if it's a little chilly to swim in the ocean, there are other interesting things to do in San Diego in winter. Mild winter weather allows you to enjoy the scenery and enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking or biking. Or visit the San Diego Zoo.

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Las Vegas (Nevada)

You don't have to be a gambling addict to have a good time in Las Vegas. You can walk through the luxury casinos for free, but don't miss the opportunity to walk through the nearby parks, in particular Red Rock Canyon. Take an unforgettable day trip approximately two hours from the western edge of the Grand Canyon.

Key West (Florida)

The Florida Keys offer a tropical getaway in the USA. Before exploring palm-lined streets and beautiful beaches, take a drive along Florida's 113-mile highway, one of the most scenic drives in the country.

Phoenix (Arizona)

With year-round sunshine and mild dry winter weather, Phoenix is ​​ideal for travelers looking to escape the cold. Explore the Sonoran Desert on a hike or bike ride and be sure to see the famous saguaro cacti. While in Phoenix, visit the Heard Museum to see Native American art and culture, and take a guided tour of the nearby Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home. Take a day trip to see the well-preserved rocky dwellings at the Castle of Montezuma National Monument or the charming Sedona surrounded by red cliffs.

Gatlinburg (Tennessee)

Gatlinburg, known as the gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, is open all year round. During the winter months, visitors can enjoy frosty park walks, skiing and snowboarding in Ober Gatlinburg, or thrilling rides on one of the area's Alpine slides.

Lake Tahoe (California and Nevada)

Lake Tahoe is located between California and Nevada, surrounded by a lake and ski resorts that offer a wide range of activities depending on the season. Landing Resort & Spa is located adjacent to Heavenly Ski Resort in South Lake Tahoe, where visitors can explore 4800 acres (1 ha), while Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort is located in Incline Village, Nevada, near the ski resort of Diamond Peak. A 942-mile (72 km) trip around the lake's perimeter will be one of the most beautiful and memorable winter trips in the country.

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