All authors - ForumDaily

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Olga Derkach ForumDaily journalist I like to travel and learn new things. I am writing about immigration and life in the USA, as well as sharing other benefits for our diaspora. I am interested in climate change and protecting the planet from the negative impact of human activity. Publications: 7455
Lyudmila Balabay ForumDaily Editor-in-Chief I believe in the power of words and information. I am sure that education and knowledge will save the world, and the task of journalists is to become part of the process of disseminating important data. I like to travel, try something new and build bridges between cultures. I am fond of learning languages ​​and graphics. Publications: 6089
Irina Schiller ForumDaily journalist I like to travel, I am interested in cinema and modern literature, I paint in watercolor. I write about people and life in immigration Publications: 4303
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